Videos/Podcasts for learning
These are videos and resources I listened to on the way to work or when my brain was fried from general study
Dr Nick Christelis lectures
Extremely useful series of lectures on the major topics. Unfortunately a little old so guidelines/diagnostic criteria has changed but principles are still the same.
Follow the full series of 32 lectures

Insight QLD
(alcohol and other drug services)
Extremely good lectures on specific substances and related substance disorders. Work your way through the different areas of interest related to pain management.
Lecture on opioid induced hyperalgesia
Lecture on atypical headaches and autonomic cephalgias
Great discussion on adjuvants particularly antidepressant agents
Management of back pain - particularly in primary care but very helpful generally.
Great education throughout their entire available videos

Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.

Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.

Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.